An image from a project for my printmaking class that I nevergot to use, so I decided to recycle it into something else. I'm trying to think in terms of t-shirt friendly graphics so that maybe someday I will have t-shirts available featuring artwork from yours truly.

A self portrait using my wacom tablet. Not quite finished but it's getting there.

For some reason I've started making patterns in my spare time, this is one of my designs at work. If you want to use it, the image is here on my flickr page.
I've also begun a tape art wall mural in my room that I have plenty of time to dedicate myself to since I'm unemployed, ha! No pictures of that yet but once I get a hold of a camera I will post some in-progress photos.
Well that's all for now, I will try to be more diligent in posting here. And if you know of anyone who needs an illustrator in the Atlanta area please let me know, I just moved here less than a week ago and am looking for a job. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
I love it. Can't wait to see more. And as always, you'll be top of mind for any projects I could use you for. xo!